Denzuko's log.

Inernet Mood🥴

The Current mood of the Internet is The current mood of the Internet at

My currently feel is The current mood of Denzuko at

🗨️ChatBox button at right side☟☞


I have a lot of things I want to do, but limited energy and time, so I need to do them in order of importance.




            |      Engineering is magic      |
            |            but real            |
                         \ (•◡•) /
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I think I got stuck

I've been doing the same job and had to deal with some bad situations,
Even though I'm getting better at my job, I still feel like I'm not learning anything from it.


I wish i had a time machine

I was planning to go to school, but for some reason I've cancelled that plan for now.
The alternative plan is to improve my English and continue practicing programming.



This is the first time I wrote a web page in code line by line.
I found a lot of promising and talented new people posting their pages online,
collecting a lot of interesting and new things they like.
They inspire me and I think this site will be a great start.


The Beginning

💥💥💥💥💥💥 ~~~~~ Big Bang ~~~~~ 💥💥💥💥💥💥



Not Thing Here~
