
🏕️ About This Website

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    :             -==[ WELCOME TO THE CYBERNETIC AGE ]==-               :
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    :                 -==[ LET YOUR MIND DO THE TALKING ]==-            :
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    :         ___                     __        __        __            :
    :         |   \ ___ _ _  ___ _  _| |_ ___  | |   __ _| |__          :
    :         | |) / -_) '  \ //| || | / / _ \ | |__/ _` | '_ \_        :
    :         |___/\___|_||_|//_ \_,_|_\_\___/ |____\__,_|_.__(_)       :
    :                                                                   :
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    :                 -==[ UPGRADE YOUR MIND TODAY ]==-                 :
    :                                                                   :

One day I discovered the amazing website: The Perfect Site which create by iamtraction,
I used to want to find a way to replace google blogger,
So this web page was created, a web page
that can be opened in old browsers, and has high efficiency and easy to read.

My Neocities Profile »

🌈 About Me

☝ Me

Hi I'm a friendly person I'm interested in audio power amplifier,
programming and new technology like virtual world.
I also like to solve problems related to electronics/3C devices.

🎖️ My Score

Nerd Score 1

I am nerdier than 91% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and write on the nerd forum!

Overall, you scored as follows:

9 % scored higher (more nerdy),
0 % scored the same, and
91 % scored lower (less nerdy).

What does this mean? Your nerdiness is:

Supreme Nerd. Apply for a professorship at MIT now!!!.

Nerd Score 2

NerdTest.com says  I am a Highly Dorky Nerd.

🌈 My Favorite




[☞Contact] [☞Buy_Me_a_Coffee]